Our Precious Princess

Thursday, June 18, 2009

On Leave on 22 til 24 June 2009

My Mother-in-law going for her holiday trip to Korea this coming Friday nite, had already apply leave for next Monday til Wednesday got to take care of my precious from Saturday til Wednesday, cant imagine during this 5 days it would be very tiring to take care of 1 year old toddler.

My Work Station

Saturday, June 13, 2009

Jaynie From Birth Til 1 Year Old

I had consolidate all Jaynie's photoes from birth til 1 year old.
My Lastest Wallpaper For My Company's Laptop

Monday, June 8, 2009

Jaynie's 1st Birthday Party

Presenting Jaynie's First Birthday Cake

First Family Photo
:( Dont Really like To Take Photo As I Did Not Slim Down

Mother-In-Law & her Grandchildren

Daddy Helping Jaynie To Cut Her Birthday Cake

Jaynie's 1st Birthday Party Celebrated 3 days earlier
on 6 June 2009 at My Mother-In-Law House