Our Precious Princess

Friday, June 27, 2008

Loving Hubby & Daddy

Ben was actively involved in many aspects of my pregnancy.
He accompanied me to all my gynae visits.
He helped me do the laundry and all the housework.
I'm truly fortunate to have a caring hubby who was there for me through this whole process.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Prenatal & Postnatal Bills

The total expenses for the whole pregnancy and delivery was $ 7,915.73
(including 1.8k from medisave)

Details Breakdown :-
Prenatal Check Up $ 2,946.38
Total Hospital Bill of Baby Jaynie & me $ 3,831.75
Paediatrician - 1st Follow up $58.85
Postnatal Check up & Medication - Follow up after delivery $ 133.75
Malay Postnatal Massage for 7 days $ 245
Part Time Confinement Lady $ 700

Thursday, June 19, 2008

New "Cute" Member of The Loo Family

Photo With Aunty Kylie

Photo With Yiyi

Photo With Wai Po

2nd Day in Gleneagles

Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Day 7 (18th June 2008)

Baby Jaynie's umbilical cord dried up and dropped off when confinement lady changing her diaper

Monday, June 9, 2008

My Labour Story

5.20am Felt some discharge & mild stomach pain
5.30am Woke up and had a gush of water rushing out. Went to the toilet to check. It was some mucus plug with blood stains on it
5.35am wake my hubby up
5.45am Had a shower and grabbed my hospital bag and off we go to Gleneagles
6.20am Admitted Gleneagles Hospital
6.50am At delivery suit and change to hospital gown, sign all needed documents
7.00am CTG strapped on
8.12am Nurses came and check the dilation, 1 cm dilated
8.30am Nurse came to do pump some liquid into my anus to make me poo
9.45am Water bag burst by Dr Fong
9.50am Drip on to speed up the delivery process
10.00am First contraction kicked in
10.05am Nurse came and check the dilation, 4 cm dilated, request for laughing gas
10.20am Put on laughing gas, It only makes me losing consciousness
10.30am Contraction pain is unbearable and asked for Epidural
10.55am Have my injection of Epidural
11.10am My legs numb till i felt nothing and start to watch Channel 8
12.30pm Midwife checked VE, 8 cm dilated
12.31pm Told to start pushing during every contraction, deep breathe in & kept pushing, no result
1.10pm Told to pushing again, able to see baby hair and told to hold back while waiting for Dr Fong
1.30pm The moment Dr Fong stepped in I am all ready to push
1.35pm 1st push, baby head out
1.39pm Our precious princess is out, the nurse immediately put my baby on my chest
4.45pm Push to ward

We are proud to announce the arrival of our 1st child, Princess Jaynie Loo.
Born in Gleneagles on 9th June 2008 @ 1339hrs
Weight 3.235kg Height 49cm

Saturday, June 7, 2008

心理測驗 [ 性格 ]

心理測驗 [ 性格 ] 從火鍋類型分析你的性格

A.冬天 --> 2
B.夏天 --> 5
C.不分季節 --> 1

A.喜歡 --> 2
B.不喜歡 --> 5

A.會 --> 3
B.不會 --> 6

A.跟老闆吵架,要求換一鍋新的 --> 13
B.不吃了,直接付錢走人 --> 10

A.很有名氣 --> 7
B.價格便宜 --> 8

A.會 --> 6
B.不會 --> 8

A.兩三個知心好友 --> 9
B.一大群朋友 --> 3

A.等 --> 11
B.換一家 --> 12

A.加麵條 --> 9
B.加冬粉 --> 7

A.先喝湯 --> 10
B.先吃料 --> 12

A.願意 --> 17
B.不願意 --> 13

A.會 --> 15
B.不會 --> 14

A.一開始就放 --> 15
B.最後才放 --> 11

A.一起煮 --> 17
B.一樣一樣煮 --> 16

A.烏龍茶 --> 16
B.烏梅汁 --> A

A.家裡 --> 16
B.外面 --> 14

A.會 --> B
B.不會 --> C

A.會 --> D
B.不會 --> 16










Thursday, June 5, 2008

38th Weeks

A day just passed like that, I'm officially in my 38th weeks, 14 more days to go.

Went for my weekly check up 1 day early at Gleneagles,
Baby Jaynie weighing at 2.81kgs, really cant wait for Baby Jaynie arrival.

Anyway, my hospital bag was already packed and i was all ready for Baby Jaynie's arrival.

It's a waiting game now.

Monday, June 2, 2008

Disney Restaurant @ Anchorpoint‏

Disney restaurant at Anchorpoint (opp Ikea Alexandra) a disney-themed restaurant. and what a rare find it was! according to the staff, this is the first disney-themed eatery outside of disneyland! given how commercially successful disney is, that is certainly a surprise.


of course, everything here is decked out in the full flavors of disney. life-sized statues of mickey, donald and goofy greet visitors at the entrance of this 1,400 square foot restaurant. don't forget to wash your hands at the giant mickey's hand wash basin before dining!


all the chairs here are baby blue and shaped like mickey's head. cute! and the mickey-shaped things here are not limited to just the chairs...


Minnie's Secret
Price: $15.90 + 7% GST

...the pizzas are mickey-shaped too! 6 different kinds of pizza dominate the rather small menu. can't resist listing down their names so here they are:
- mickey's classic
- daisy's garden
- donald's legend
- minnie's secret
- pete's pan
- pino's fancy

a minnie's secret which was just about right for two not-so-hungry people. it comes with toppings of cajun chicken, tomato and mushroom. while the taste isn't exactly that memorable, what is unique about it (other than its distinctive shape) is that spinach bits have been sneakily hidden in its crust! it's a healthy treat especially suitable for people that dislike vegetables. in fact, i didn't even realise there was spinach until i read the menu more carefully!

despite the small menu, it is certainly packed with healthy goodness! colorful little square booklets at every table serve to inform diners about the nutritional value of all menu items.


Prince Charming's Kiss (pink) & Goofy's Favorite (red)
Price: $5.50 each + 7% GST

for drinks, options include the usual juices and cuppas, as well as icy fruit blends. most people would go for the fruit blends which, again, sport very colorful names:
- goofy's favorite
- winnie's rainforest
- prince charming's kiss
- mermaid's whisper
- fairy godmother's magic
- pluto's pick

goofy's favorite is a red-colored blend of apple, orange, blueberry and cranberry that tastes very refreshing. prince charming's kiss, a sweet pink-colored blend of strawberry and mango fails to charm. there's just too much of the chunky ice shavings!

these fruit blends have no sugar added, and stands true to disney naturally's philosophy of promoting healthy eating.


while enjoying a cute disney-themed meal, you can also watch movies at the same time! popular titles include finding nemo and even the more recent ratatouille.


the movie schedule is displayed at the storefront. i think it changes weekly so be sure to call them up and find out what movie is playing before heading down!


to keep children busy while waiting for their food, game sheets are available at every table that allow them to engage in some fun activities such as crossword puzzles and quizzes. there are also mickey-shaped computer terminals for children to surf the disney website and play disney games. man, these guys think of everything!

one thing to note: if you are going there with your children, you may be forced to buy a pre-paid card at one counter, top it up with cash on top of a $2 deposit, then proceed to order and pay for your food at another counter. at the end of the visit, you can choose to keep the card for the next visit, or get your refund back at the first counter.

little hassles aside, this is a fun place to visit for everyone, and not just families with children. it provides a nice little disney experience outside of disneyland. perhaps, having disney characters walking around the restaurant or sitting down with diners would make it even more memorable!

Disney Naturally [Halal Certified]


370 Alexandra Road#01-05/06 Singapore 159953

(65) 6479 2823

Open: 10:30 am to 10 pm (weekdays); 10 am to 10 pm (weekends)